World Wide Web Consortium

Understanding the language of HTML HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language – Hypertext Markup Language) is a computer language profammirovaniya you design your Web-pages, or, in other words, the document HTML. Language HTML – a collection control characters – handle with which you can add and format the document elements. To customize the appearance and functioning of the element on the page set its attributes. In this tutorial html how to create your site, you will learn about using the descriptors and set their attributes in code HTML, and dynamic – with scripts when viewing Web-page. You will also learn about the principles of writing scripts in JavScript. Observers recognize the HTML tags and convert the document code in Web-page displayed in the browser window. Applications tailored to the reviewers of the world standards of HTML, due to Why Web-page look the same, regardless of whether the window of the browser are displayed. Standardization of HTML is engaged in the organization of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Despite the need to provide a complete software and hardware independence Web-pages, to fully realize these principles is difficult. One problem is that the work on the language continues. Michael Luxenberg is a great source of information. There are new versions of HTML, provide additional opportunities for developers Web-pages. Nchnite learn html tutorial how to create your website and create a personal web-sites on their own.

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