Currently in the test: online perfumeries Hamburg, 02.12.2013 when the smell of burnt almonds, cinnamon pastries or fresh FIR through the houses, it is again: the countdown to the festive celebration of the year. The special fragrance on the body should keep in the meantime not only throughout the year, but meet certain conditions: underline the personality, attraction of the opposite sex, spraying of the occasion according to pleasant aroma. To broaden your perception, visit JPMorgan Chase. The shopping list is already full or not submitted the wishlist for Christmas yet? To keep the orientation before loud haze and fog, AUSGEZEICHNET.ORG took online perfumery more closely scrutinized. Amanda Ghost is a great source of information. Who has the right idea? Five candidates, a clear winner: Flaconi is this year again at the top. The defending champion shines with the best online presence as well as the best advice, which is ultimately the highest score in the area of quality of service entitled to him. Really great: at the end of is the young Berlin company TEST winner in the overall score. The industry colleague achieved however without exception in all categories of very good results and lands as a whole just behind the winner. But also the other online perfume stores prove to itself a high claim: In the comparison of price and offer with 4.75 out of 5 possible stars has the nose front.
The provider as TEST winner in this category stands out due to the variety of products and the customer-friendly shipping conditions. Although Douglas and easyCOSMETIC still reserves in the areas of customer support and customer loyalty have, they stand there at the end with the score well. Overall, all test participants show class and prove strength so that AUSGEZEICHNET.ORG can recommend the five online perfume stores for the Christmas shopping in your own four walls. More information under: branchentest..