Latin America

We arrived at something clear: paradigm does not already exercised its hegemony as at the beginning of the SEA. Its founding premises had been the use of schools as an essential instrument to play the social system, and of the State as an instrument of dominant groups to exercise control over this social system. The strategy was the selection of a part of the cultural universe of dominant groups adhoc so it is reproduced in schools, ideological apparatuses, and thereby achieve the reproduction of the established order, a dominant ideology and the division of classes. It was intended, in sum, the normalization of an inept and ideologically dangerous subject. And today? We have two inherited attributes that does not lose validity: social stratification in eternal return – and the absence of ideologies. While beginning in 1960 it operates a change of perspectives of the pedagogical actions in Latin America, the existing polarization remains the antinomy dependency / liberation.

Even if we consider the Peronist stage with their particular devices for incorporation of the popular sectors, both attributes persist. Normalize a fiction has become, then, a symbol / truth that creates a sense: of coercion, control, suppression of non-conventional social actions. And, as a symbol, express the mutation that undergoes the objective reality to a subjective construction. Now, we go to the classroom. Childhood and adolescence are made responsible for the misadventures of education. Be teenager is a violent battle, where identity is assumed by a revolutionary mechanism, but plagiarism, by appropriation media images imperceptibly distorted by the absence of emblems. And the school, rather than socialize from an imaginary that is offers as a valid model, renounces offer that model and let that reality, or worse, than the representations students have it, whether that is taken as a reference to give course to also distorted actions.

The misadventures of education have also damaged our sense of social belonging, both of teachers and learners, because they have their cause and effect in the symbolic destruction of human relationships. The result: forms of violence which, by its polysemy, us escape. So far we have only discovered how not to repeat, not how to avoid. How are impeding an Astiz, an Etchecolaz? How are determinisms distorted? In those early days of class struggle was the engine of history. Today is the struggle of classes in a literal sense. Metaphysical redshift tell him what we have failed to do, or we have done wrong, that a pencil is replaced by a knife? We only know that education body stays alive beyond reductionism that body submits it just and political skepticism, consequence of a desacralizado cosmos which disorients and, sometimes, disappoints.

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