High stack of paper on the desk, an overflowing over Inbox, in the chaos missed appointments Susanne Gonner from Ludwigsburg (www.susanne-goenner.de) offers in such cases. “Because she knows what the chaos in the Office or at home in the company can have consequences: productivity is suffering under increasing time pressure, in addition to easier unfocused and irritated”, she says. “But a well organized workplace is much more than just a beautiful sight: he creates more quality of life and energy for important tasks.” Important both for the company and for the employees themselves. Together with the customer she put an end to the chaos and stress in the workplace. Due to their previous experience as Executive and sales manager, she knows how to perfectly organize. You knows solutions to daily routines or work processes make sense to structure and coordinate cooperation, shows how to prioritize learning and can more easily keep track. While it benefits Business it specialist and mediator also from their own diverse professional experiences.
Susanne Gonner also individuals offered their comprehensive consulting services. Above all by people who are professionally strong clamped, offering relocation coordination “demand. This includes the creation of a timetable on the search after appropriate moving companies and specialist craftsmen to help on the day of the parade itself and the notification of authorities, telecommunications and utilities. It also offers her advice for your own four walls of the customers, it is clean up the mess or the views and position of important documents and find a reasonable solution. So it not short time later again looks like when the proverbial Hempel”.