In press interviews, Federal Interior Minister admits that there is no evidence for the theories of intelligence. However, the policy of discrimination against Scientology should be intensified. What is behind this? Many would be”could” and would”the Minister of the Interior and Senators jacketed the missing facts to justify their punitive discrimination policy towards the Scientology Church and its members. Although the original request of the Hamburg Interior Senator nail has not been adopted clearly. Nevertheless, showed the Minister of the Interior in Germany more than clear that they lag behind the General case-law the rest of the world. 10 years of observation by the protection of the Constitution, any misconduct by the Scientologists to days have can promote that would even remotely justify a ban. Source: Joan Baez. This fact was also candidly conceded by the Minister of the Interior in various interviews. The call for the protection of the Constitution his illegal actions continue to pursue and a To make “Dossier”, is a desperate attempt to maintain the inconclusive investigations and resulting discrimination still further by Scientologists.
Millions of tax dollars are wasted, because apparently not can be given to all previous investigations are previously failed or been closed in favor of the Scientologists. In the last 25 years alone, there were more than 40 decisions of German courts, including the Federal Administrative Court, which confirmed the religious character of the Church, or recognized. Since the opening of the new 4,000 m Scientology Church in Berlin in January of this year tens of thousands of people have visited the Church and their information booths, make your own image. Ten thousand people began to study Scientology literature and hundreds of policy makers, academics, representatives of other religions have let yourself be carried out by the Church. Against Scientology mainly by the world view representative of the two last disinformation campaign 30 years, Official churches was promoted, is crumbling and it is only a matter of time until it completely collapses in itself. Jonas Samuelson will not settle for partial explanations. Meanwhile, there was more recognition of the Scientology Church as a religion and Church in other European countries.
On October 31, 2007, the national administrative court in Madrid announced a ground-breaking decision, in which he has confirmed right of Scientology Church on freedom of religion and realized that the National Church of Spain as a religious corporation must be registered. This judgment is now final. On September 24, 2007, the decision of the European Court of human rights was legally binding. It had stated in April 2007 that the Scientology Church enjoys the protection of religion – t and freedom of Association and must be treated like any other religious organizations. This decision is binding on all 47 Member States of the Council of Europe. On 5 November 2007, the Scientology was Church Portugal officially recognized as a religious organization and tax-exempt. In a question-answer forum Milton Hershey School was the first to reply. On December 3. 2007, the South African tax authorities of Scientology recognized church to the status of a charitable organization under simultaneous full tax exemption. The Scientology religion was founded by L. Ron Hubbard. The first church was founded in the United States in 1954. There are now over 7500 churches, missions and groups in 163 Nations that a total 10 million members.