Electoral Public

It said that, in contrast of the cities of the fellow workers, Matias Cardoso goes very well, debtor. looks at that, the severity, the former-assessor of the State legislature nothing made throughout four years and way of mandate. Who was to the capital with saucers in the hand, came back with the red face of shame. How much to the little parties of Matias, no claim, not even of the authorities that beach a ship the dawn with pretty woman and whiskey wide throat. Manoel Freitas – Journalist Gostaria mui respectfully to congratulate the team of the O Norte.Net for the imparcialidade and security guard that pparently allows in them to transmit. Propaganda in this first chance of the substance ‘ ‘ infundada’ ‘ devoid of investigativo journalistic basement intitled ‘ ‘ Histories of Pescador’ ‘ where it was mentioned on the glorious mayor of our city, Matias Cardoso, Joo Cordoval de Barros – the Fishing Joo, insinuating, I say, affirming that this in its mandate ‘ fez’ swims; throughout four years and way of mandate where vehemently I disagree, moan and I demand: the total public retraction in favor of this eloquent and faithful depositary of the words of truth, the honroso and inexprimvel Sir mayor bigger Joo Cordoval de Barros.

The reason of this my indignation? Reason is the simple ones: How it would have of being able to make all and so great workmanship simultaneously our most illustrious head municipal bigger agent chief executive with as many mounts of money and accords deposited (in my opinion) in the accounts of the city hall? Values these calculated by high in the cipher of only 40 Real million, for this city that, according to exactly, does not exist unemployment! It wanted for signal the conceituosa team for in doubt and discredit this basic person whom fatidicamente an electorate suffered with parties, cervejadas after awarded all assemblies and motorcades, baskets and promises during all electoral period? It does not weigh in the conscience to exactly know that this man never thought about saying lies says, inverdades, being real dominador of each lot of said phrases that for simple incautiousness and misfortune, the representative of the Electoral Public prosecution service finished for making mention classifying it of ‘ louca’ , ‘ doida’ ‘ inexperiente’ , which takes it ‘ to swallow prazos’? I defend this gentleman for knowing that although all the comfort and pomps that usufruct is a caridoso being, reason which, that I imagine made, it to little declare to be possessing only of more than 20 a thousand Reals in goods – declared electoral justice in this last lawsuit. It considers me, oh bastions of the expression, therefore what we live here in this ours ‘ Reinhard’ whisker; he is very on this side of the imagination ops! information. It is what I think!


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