Chelyabinsk Art Museum

Is artistic capital of the Southern Urals moved to Arch? Summing up the past year The past year 2009 in the Chelyabinsk region has been marked by many interesting events that are important to the artistic life of the region. Of course, we can note a number of key events of the past year, a solo exhibition of graphics by Vitaly Volovich anniversary of the famous Russian architect, design, academic, the former of our countryman Nikolay Shumakova (who was present at the opening). We can mention a pretty good exhibition of Japanese woodcuts from the collection of A. Malakhov, and once again visited the capital city of South Ural painting by Lev. Good luck … But the most important event in the artistic life of the Chelyabinsk region has become, perhaps, opening the showroom, "Arch" in well-known open-air museum. The new hall was opened in June 2009, a powerful Jubilee exhibition of a famous master, internationally acclaimed graphics Vladimir Zuev. By the way, this show was the only one on the planet, where the famous hero of the day were honored: room only "Arch" to respond to such a landmark in art world event.

Exposure enjoyed so mad success that it was extended until November 30th! The second planned artist, whose name has been kept secret, voluntarily gave up their own personal Exhibitions in Arkaim in favor of the birthday. Opening an art gallery in such a lively place – it is very important guarantee of success. There is no doubt that the new gallery is the most visited in Chelyabinsk region. Judge for yourself: a stable average attendance of the hall "Arch" – 150 per day (in summer). For comparison, I note that somehow this writer, spent the whole day from morning to evening in the Chelyabinsk Art Museum (in December's Sunday in 2005 when the Russian Museum brought Surikov, Repin, Shishkin, Vasilyeva, Luba and Malevich), said no more than 30 visitors.

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